Objective of the information disseminated from this site:


The purpose of this site is to present to allow visitors to candidate for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master scholarship and apply to the selection and admission process.




Master in Membrane Engineering for a Sustainable Development, MESD

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master.

Université de Montpellier

CC 047 – Place Eugène Bataillon

34095 Montpellier Cedex 5


Email address:




Responsible for publication:



Coordinator Master in Membrane Engineering for a Sustainable Development, MESD

Content creation: content creation by MESD Team



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eMundus – 10 passage du Drakkar, 17000 LA ROCHELLE

Email adress : info[@]emundus.fr



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eMundus – 10 passage du Drakkar, 17000 LA ROCHELLE

Email adress: info[@]emundus.fr



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